Our environmental goals - 2030

Seating solutions helping lower your carbon footprint

In 2023, we assessed the status and performance of our 2030 environmental targets that we set in 2019 against the increased scope we now face due to the growth of our organisation. We have carefully revised them to be more realistic to achieve, yet ambitious. We have adjusted either target figures or years to consider all recent and upcoming acquisitions. These goals directly relate to the key areas where we hold considerable influence—especially concerning the materials we use and the energy we consume.

Our targets reflect the current scope. Changes in scope due to acquisitions or otherwise can lead to changes in our long-term goals. Any additions to the current scope will be measured on the same baseline as the rest of Flokk. Flokk is indirectly responsible for impacts from Scope 3, as these can be affected by unforeseen circumstances such as geopolitical and/or financial instability.

Similar to our sustainable design principles, these objectives are closely intertwined with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the global targets established by the EU European Green Deal. Our objectives aid in the reduction of worldwide carbon emissions but also empowers our customers to significantly diminish their own environmental footprint when seeking new seating solutions.​​

These goals serve a dual role. Not only do they provide a measure for quantifying our efforts, but they also act as driving forces, compelling us to consistently refine our design and manufacturing processes. This relentless pursuit ensures that we continuously pioneer sustainable seating solutions, positioning us as leaders in innovative and environmentally conscious design.

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Read more about our 2030 goals in our Annual Sustainability Report

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